Monday, September 16, 2013

What's the "Breast" Route?

Dear WISY,

I've been dishonest with the guy I'm dating and I'm ready to come clean.  I am just afraid of the embarrassment that it's going to cause me, especially since this thing is one of the reasons he is so attracted to me.

I have fake skin color, silicone breast inserts that I use to make my breasts appear bigger.  I wasn't blessed with a full rack and I'm too broke to get plastic surgery so I use what I have in the meantime.  I've been putting off sex with him because I'm afraid one of the inserts will fall out of my bra.  Anytime we're alone and we're getting hot and heavy, I make an excuse to leave.  I'm tired of being anxious and nervous around him when it comes to my breasts.

Do you think I should tell him or should I just let him "discover" them on his own?

Small Ones


Red is for Love...Making?

--The content of this letter may be disturbing to some readers, read at your own risk.--

Dear WISY,

I am married to a man who has a very weird sense of what sexy is.  I did not know he was like this before I married him and now he is revealing his true self.  

He only wants to be intimate with me when I'm on my monthly cycle.  I have tried everything to turn him off from it but he refuses to stop.  When I'm on my monthly cycle, being intimate is the last thing on my mind.  I always have cramps and I feel so bloated.  I don't understand what it is that turns him on.  He behaves like a wolf on the hunt for its prey and sniffs the air like an animal.  Then he pounces on me and whispers the word "blood" over and over until he climaxes.

I'm slowly falling out of love with him because of this.  He is not the man I married.  I have confided in a friend and she told me that I was being unreasonable.  What is your opinion on this?



Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sick of My Friend

Dear WISY,

I'm writing to ask some advice about my friend.  Please post this letter to your blog.  

One of my best friends has converted to a religion where they do not believe in using modern products.  He has let his hair grow out on his face and on his head.  He has become a vegan and grows his own food but what bothers me is the fact that he doesn't use toothpaste or deodorant anymore.  He smells so bad that I don't even want to visit him anymore.

I feel terrible because I grew up with him and he still wants the relationship to remain the same but I cannot tolerate the smell.  I asked why he doesn't use an all natural deodorant and toothpaste and he told me that I am only offended by his smell because society has been brainwashed to dislike their natural selves - odors and all.  I can understand his perspective but it doesn't change the fact that I gag when I smell him.

What should I do?  He is my children's Godfather and he has always been around.  We all love him dearly but it is so hard to be around him.  I'm considering ending the friendship.  Am I being too harsh?  I might get used to his smell in time but as of right now, it makes me sick and leaves me with a terrible headache.

Any suggestions?

Sick of My Friend


Embarrassed by the Way She Dresses

Dear WISY,

A friend of mine is beginning to embarrass me when we go out and I'm not sure how I should approach her about it.  She likes to dress in clothes that aren't appropriate for her body.  She had a baby last year and gained a lot of weight.  Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with thick women but she's still trying to fit into her pre-baby clothes.  She was a size 6 before her baby and now she's double that.  People look and laugh at her and I don't like it.  

I have to be careful with my words because she had a hard time with postpartum depression and I wouldn't want her going back to that state but how do I tell her that her strapless dresses don't contain her breasts and stomach anymore?  Do I suggest going shopping together?

Embarrassed Friend

Carnival Seductress

Dear WISY,

I have a confession and I really just want to know if there is anyone else who does this.  I come from a country where we have carnival celebrations every year and it seems as if a fever overtakes my body when the new music is released and the sexy costumes are displayed.  What I'm trying to say is; I always cheat on my man during carnival.  I don't know what it is about carnival that just makes me want to let loose and act on my desires.

I have no conscience during carnival.  My cousins who are christian always say carnival is the devil's playground and I'm beginning to believe it.  I don't know what it is.  It just amazes me that it is the same scenario for me year after year.  I met my first love during carnival.  Could that be the reason?  I don't know.

Is there anyone else who does this or feels the same way I do?

Carnival Seductress

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