Wednesday, January 29, 2020

He Has a Girlfriend but He Won't Leave Me Alone

Dear WISY,

There is this guy from my past who is borderline harassing me. I made the mistake of sleeping with him and ever since that, he has been stalking me. The craziest thing is that he has a long-term girlfriend and kids. He is always posting her on social media and professing his love for her, but continues to insist that I call him or complains that I don't talk to him anymore. I told him that my involvement with him was a mistake and that made him want me more or something.  He won't leave me alone!  It's as if he disregards everything I tell him about not wanting to be with him and talks to me like we're a loving couple. It's so weird to me.

I sent you a message about telling his girlfriend and you all kind of went in on me. Well, I took the advice and blocked him.  Now, he's using other accounts to contact me.  I really believe that he will stop if his girlfriend finds out. With the new information considered, what do you think I should do now?

Ready to Expose
Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay

WISY's Response:

Dear Ready,

I remember your inbox note a while back and you asking me to post your question to the Dear WISY group on Facebook.  This is the message you sent:  "There's this guy who is always sending me DMs and he has a wife or girlfriend (not sure if they're married). He basically wants to cheat with me and I reject him all the time. Do I have a right to tell his woman about him?".  We didn't go in on you - the responses were just frank.  Thanks for trusting the crew to give you advice.  😊

Okay, now that I have more and accurate information, I am concerned that this guy has developed an obsession with you.  Telling his girlfriend will do little to stop him from contacting you if that's the case.  He will find a way to interact with you without her knowledge and if she leaves him, his pursuit of you will be relentless.  If he continues to pester you, ignore him and continue to block him.  If his attempts become too much for you or if he starts trying to get your attention in person, call the cops or get one of your family members or friends to scare him off (I've done that and it worked).  Whatever you do, be careful.  I've heard too many stories about men not being able to handle rejection.

Please keep me updated.  This is concerning. 

Walk good,