Monday, September 23, 2019

Why Won't He Have Date Night with Me?

Dear WISY,

I am frustrated that my husband no longer takes me out on date nights, and is spending his spare money on his hobby (the car).  He buys car parts on a monthly basis for his hobby.  When we go out, he expects me to split the bill.  I feel disrespected, yet I’m not sure if I should be feeling this way?!  I have spoken to him about date nights and it may seem like I nag him. I didn’t mention it for a while as it’s disappointing.  How can I get a date night with out nagging? 

I Need Date Night
WISY's Response:

Dear INDN,

I believe date night is extremely important for couples, so please discard this idea that you are nagging.  Another belief of mine is the importance of compromise in a relationship.  I think you should start this off by suggesting a date night that your husband may be interested in - maybe something involving the automotive world.  In turn, he may be more inclined to compromise and go on a date that involves something of your interest.

You should continue to express your feelings to your husband.  It's important that he understands your need for one-on-one time, and that date night is something that you initially did and want to continue.  Tell him that his time spent alone with you is validating for you.  Perhaps you can introduce him to the five love languages - The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts or begin to explore them yourself (if you haven't already).  You will also discover your husband's love language and understand him better.

Hopefully these suggestions will jolt him to understand that his car is not the only one who needs his time.

Walk good,