Monday, September 22, 2014

I Require Luxury

Dear WISY,

I recently had a falling out with my friend because she says I’m wrong but I think once a person is accustomed to a certain thing there is nothing wrong with wanting that at all times.  Here is my story:

I don’t work.  I really have never worked in my entire life.  The only time I can remember having a job is when I was a teenager and I started to take interest in fashion and my mother couldn’t afford the items I wanted.  Now, I am in my mid-thirties, don’t  have any children as yet and I'm totally fine with that.  My main concern is my comfort and when I say comfort, I mean my luxurious lifestyle.  I know most women will not admit to this but I have no problem with claiming what I am and I am a “kept woman”.

I require a man who will take full care of me and go above and beyond the basic necessities.  I have to have a luxury vehicle and a big, comfortable home.  I need to be able to see an item and be able to purchase it and not worry about the price tag.  Most women only dream of the life I live.  I’m not bragging, just telling it like it is.

So, my friend seems to think that I am engaging in wrong behavior because of my requirements.  She says that my man doesn’t really love me.  He just wants to have something nice on his arm and that he will eventually get tired of me.  Can you say "JEALOUS"?  I think that if a person is used to a certain thing that there is nothing wrong with continuing to live that way.  I’m not hurting anyone and both me and my man are happy.

Do you think I am wrong for this?  Keep in mind I’m not hurting a soul or doing anything illegal!


WISY's Response:

Dear Luxurious,

If you and your man are happy then that's your business.  Like you said, you're not harming anyone or engaging in illegal activity.  HOWEVER, I can't help but think of how lost you would be without the man (or men) who supports your luxurious lifestyle.  I didn't see that you mentioned anything about a skill or trade you could fall back on in case everything you have grown accustomed to suddenly disappears.  May I suggest you use some of his money to pay for an education of some sort?  There must be something that you have an interest in.  Why not become a professional at it?

If you are fine with being his arm candy then you must know that he has an eye for pretty things and there are many other pretty things running around that could very well replace you on his arm.  Not trying to burst your bubble, "just telling it like it is" :-).

I'll leave you with this:
Think about your future.  Material things can be taken away in an instant and beauty fades.  Make sure you are taking steps to secure happiness and peace when you are too old to be "arm candy".

Walk good,


Some #Challenges Aren't For Everyone

Dear WISY,

I want to vent a little about all these challenges that are circulating social media. Two in particular are really annoying to me and I wish people would find something else to do with their time. 

The first one is the #PrettyFaceChallenge. Lord Jesus, where do I begin with this one?  You all are just a bunch of vain people talking about you’'re posting collages of your face a million times. Come on now, people should stop making you all make fools of yourselves because your face isn’'t that pretty so I don'’t know why you would want to show me your not so pretty face ten times in a collage! 

The second one is the #NoMakeUpChallenge.  Helllloooo!!! No, some people need to be banned from this one! There needs to be a criteria for this one!  The thing that hurts me the most is it'’s all the ugly people in my Friends List running to do this challenge. WHY?  The world has enough war, ugly and hate in it already and here you are adding to the ugliness in the world. It'’s not right.  There needs to be a criteria.  Some people should only be allowed to do it in the dark with no camera flash!  Remember to hashtag #NoFlash  and #Darkness...DWRCL!!

May I suggest that if no one (Mommy and Daddy not included...or family and close friends for that matter because they have to lie to you sometimes) has ever told you you’'re pretty without make-up, don’t do it. Politely decline the challenge.  Sheeesh!  Please #STOPMakingAFoolOfYourselfChallenge should be the new "in thing".  Friends should make videos to those who have made fools of themselves and tell them the truth #Challenge. Ok, I'’m done now. 

#NoMoreChallenges aka #DiHashtagQueen

WISY's Response:

Dear #HashtagQueen,

The best advice I could give to you is to ignore the challenges when you see them posted.  Just keep scrolling and don't allow it to annoy you to the levels it has and most importantly, keep your opinions to yourself.  As you stated, the World has enough "ugly" in it as it is.  Be sure not to add to the mess as well.  #BeKind

Walk good,


Monday, September 15, 2014

Ride Or Die Chick

Dear WISY,

My boyfriend keeps on disrespecting me.  He is always cheating on me with other girls and I don't know why but I can't leave.  I know in my mind that I deserve better but for some reason I keep going back to him and he keeps doing the same things that hurt me.

I can't tell you how many times I've had to fight a girl for my man.  I have never been a fighter but I have had to learn to fight to just because of him.  I've gotten my head busted with a stone and I have had hair pulled from my head but still I go back to him.  I know he loves me because he always takes my side when these fights happen.  He says I'm a "ride or die" woman and he really appreciates that.

I hope that he will stop cheating on me and be content with what I have to offer.  Do you think he will ever outgrow this behavior?

Ride or Die Chick


Dear Ride or Die,

I'll be frank with you.  Your boyfriend doesn't care about your physical well-being or your feelings and you need to leave.  

The fact that he helps you fight these girls off isn't an indication of love.  It is an indication of guilt for placing you in such a dangerous situation.  Don't be confused.  One day, he may not be there to help you fight or one day he may decide to take the side of the one he truly loves.  Then what?

Listen, there are way too many good men walking around for you to be fighting over one.  Please leave him before you end up with a serious injury.   

I'll tell you like I tell a lot of others in similar situations; call up your closest friend(s), order some comfort food and cry it out.  Naturally, you won't get over him over night but when you do, you'll be glad you took the step to rid your life of the confusion he brought to you.

You should also consider some sort of therapy to help you break the habits you have formed in this relationship.  It's not out of the ordinary to fall right back into the same type of relationship so do what you can to avoid that.

Walk good,


What Are The Signs?

Dear WISY,

What do you do if you think your man is being unfaithful but you don’t have proof?  I think my man is being unfaithful because he is acting weird.  We used to do everything together and keep in contact all day until we see each other in the evening.  Now, he doesn’t want to talk all day and when he does he gives me one-word answers.  Also, he always has an excuse as to why he can’t see me or spend the night with me but he has time to always be out on the streets.

He told me his mother is going through a lot right now and it’s stressing him out.  I don’t know if that has anything to do with it but I’m beginning to get suspicious.  

As a person who gives advice, I would think you know the signs of when a man is no longer interested in his woman.  Can you please help me out?


Seeing Signs

WISY'S Response:

Dear SS:

"When a person SHOWS you who they are, believe them".  There is nothing more telling and honest than a person's actions.  Obviously something has happened that has caused this change with him.  Perhaps it is his mother's situation that has him so withdrawn but I would think he would try to find some comfort and ease from being with you and welcome your company.

My advice would be to talk about it with him; encourage him to be open and honest with you and prepare yourself for several different outcomes.  If he assures you that all is well, let him know that you cannot carry on the relationship if his behavior won't change.  If he confirms your suspicions then call your closest friends, order some pizza and cry it out.  Be glad that you didn't waste another second in the relationship and move on.  It'll take time, but you'll live.

Walk good,