Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Embarrassed by the Way She Dresses

Dear WISY,

A friend of mine is beginning to embarrass me when we go out and I'm not sure how I should approach her about it.  She likes to dress in clothes that aren't appropriate for her body.  She had a baby last year and gained a lot of weight.  Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with thick women but she's still trying to fit into her pre-baby clothes.  She was a size 6 before her baby and now she's double that.  People look and laugh at her and I don't like it.  

I have to be careful with my words because she had a hard time with postpartum depression and I wouldn't want her going back to that state but how do I tell her that her strapless dresses don't contain her breasts and stomach anymore?  Do I suggest going shopping together?

Embarrassed Friend

1 comment:

  1. Well, she's your friend and I certainly understand your concern for her feelings but how would you feel if she was insulted by someone who wasn't as considerate? As her friend, I'm sure it would hurt you and I'm pretty sure she would question why you weren't honest with her about her appearance.
    The shopping idea is great! I would definitely do that and guide her to the correct section. You should also sit her down and explain that you're not trying to hurt her and be honest about how she's dressing. A size 12 squeezing into a size 6 is not okay!
    Maybe she's still dressing that way because she thinks it's fine because YOU haven't said otherwise. Ever think of it that way? You're her friend and she probably respects your opinion. Speak up.

    Walk good,


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.