Thursday, June 4, 2020

Does My Husband Have a Secret Instagram Account?

Dear WISY,

I need help.  I think I'm going crazy.  My man and I have been together for almost 10 years and a while ago this Instagram account tried to follow me but I deleted it.  I found it suspicious because they follow nothing but sexy women and porno pages and some people that me and my man know from high school (including some of HIS exes!!!).  I think it's him. 

I've talked to him about it and he says it's not him and they tried following him too, but he declined the request. Once, while lurking in his phone, I found a picture of one of the models posted on the account! He claims it's  cause he's trying to get to the bottom of who's running the account.  The account also follows people that he knows personally - people I haven't even met!  He says it's not him but I keep thinking about the coincidences. 

My man has always been very honest and trustworthy, we've never had ANY problems of this kind.  I just don't understand why (if it IS him) he would feel the need to make an account for that? 

We're about to be married too!  Please help!  I'm going crazy!!

Slowly going insane 😭

Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay
WISY's Response:

Dear SGI,

I don't get the feeling that this account belongs to your husband.  If he was up to no good, the last thing he would want is to draw your attention to his activities.  It may just be some creep from high school trying to stir up some trouble.

Ease your mind and have fun getting ready for your marriage!!  Wishing you two all the best!

Walk good,