Monday, June 23, 2014

I Want to Have His 7th Child

Dear WISY,

I am involved with a guy who has six children by three women.  I don't have any but I really want a child of my own.  He is a good father.  Sometimes, he struggles to support them financially but he tries his best.

I'm not sure if I should ask him about having another child.  I would really like to have a baby of my own but I know he probably won't want that at this current time.  

I am having conflicting thoughts.  My friends say I should move on and find someone with no children so we can build a family together without financial constraints but my heart just wants to add the completed piece to his puzzle.

What do you think I should do?

Maybe 7

Thursday, June 12, 2014

IG Stalkers!

Dear WISY,

Recently, I checked my IG and noticed that a girl who openly hates me 'liked' one of my photos.  She doesn't follow me and she doesn't speak to me when she sees me.  I've only heard from people that she doesn't like me.  She doesn't know me either but I don't give a f*&k either way.  My IG is open for all to see but my question is, if you don't like me, why are you on my IG profile?  And I know you didn't like my pic to let me know you stopped by. You accidentally liked my pic and didn't notice!  

If I go questioning her about it, they will say I'm starting drama but I would really like to know what it is she was looking for since she openly hates my guts.  If you hate me, why are you looking at my stuff?

Should I say something or should I let it slide?

Stay Off My IG!

Living a Lie

This letter has been translated to English from a different language.  Please forgive any discrepancies.

Dear WISY,

I have a confession to make.  I have been wanting to come clean for a very long time but I just can't so I will let my thoughts out here.

I was born a man but I have been living as a woman for the past five years.  I am beautiful, sexy and full of class.  I do not live in the country of my birth.  Instead I have moved away to a society which is more accepting of such issues.  I currently have a boyfriend and he seems to be very much in love with me.  He is asking to take the relationship further but I obviously cannot do that at this time.  I have been trying to raise money to get my surgical procedure done.  I want him to wait until I have my surgery and then I can go further.  I'd rather not tell him what is really underneath my clothes.  He thinks I am just shy and says that he also admires that I am wanting to wait but I can tell he is growing anxious.

This is a deceiving act, I know.  Do you blame me for not wanting to tell him?

Living a Lie

I Am a Bridesmaid In My Ex's Wedding

Dear WISY,

Some time has passed since this happened but it is still on my mind and I wanted to get your readers' opinion on this.  First off I will say that I know I am a very stubborn person and I tend to hold grudges but I feel entitled to these feelings I am carrying.

When I was a pre-teen I fell head over heels in love with a guy who lived close to me.  Everybody called it puppy love but I knew in my heart that I would marry this boy one day.  Naturally, things happened and we broke up.  He was heart broken but I was ok.  I felt a little relief when I found out he was holding hands with another girl while walking her home from school.  I was hurt but relieved because this boy was beginning to become very possessive of me.  My mother even noticed the way he had changed.

My good friend was also very concerned about the whole relationship.  She claimed he was no good from the beginning and didn't like him for me at all.  So, you can imagine the shock and hurt I felt when she began dating him in college.  She knew we still spoke on the phone and she knew how much I loved him.  Yes, there was a six year gap in between but I still feel like he is off limits to her.

At first, I told her I was ok with it but as it got more serious between them, I felt rage and jealousy.  She knows he was my first everything!  How could she go there?  Of all the people in the world she chose my first love?  I don't understand it at all.

Now, they are set to walk down the aisle in a few weeks.  I don't know if I can stand and be her bride's maid.  I thought I could but I'm not too sure anymore.  Maybe I should have just told her I didn't like it from the beginning.  Maybe she would not carry on the relationship or maybe she would stop talking to me so she could carry on the relationship.  Either way, I wouldn't be in this situation right now.

Should I tell her that I can't be in the wedding?


Monday, June 9, 2014

Used and Discarded

Dear WISY, 

Problems are arising within my household.  I am married to a man who had three kids before he met me.  He has sole custody of his children and I really admired him for that.  It is rare when a man fights for his children because he knows the mother is just not the best thing for them.  Fast forward nine years and the children are in their teens.  The two youngest boys are very respectful and do not disobey but the daughter is out of control.  I have tried to discipline her but she retaliates by telling me I am not her mother and that she wants to go live with her real mother.  I told her she could go ahead and leave because I will not stand for anyone disrespecting me in my home.  This little c*** went on to tell me that I am a barren woman and that I have no right to raise anyone'’s kids because I cannot make any of my own. WISY, this cut me like a knife and before I knew it, I was beating her. 

When I realized what I was doing I began apologizing but she has now vowed to break up her father and I.  When my husband got home, she told him I attacked her and tried to kill her.  Now, he has always been partial to her. He feels guilty that her mother is unfit and has always been very lenient with her.  He immediately asked me to leave his home.  He told me he would allow me 30 days to find somewhere else to go.  How did it get this far? I am in shambles.  I have dedicated my life to making this family complete.  I don'’t have a trade, I have nothing for myself.  I literally gave my life to this man and his three children.  Now I am being discarded and not allowed to explain myself thoroughly.  I'’m hoping that he will have a change of heart or maybe the daughter will come to her senses and apologize to me for the disrespect.  I don’t know what I should do now.  What should I do? 

All for Nothing 

Addicted to Bleaching My Skin!

Dear WISY, 

I tried to take the advice of my friends and stop bleaching my skin but it seems I am addicted to rubbing. My skin is very fragile and I have stretch marks all over. I live in the Caribbean but I can'’t go out into the sun. I can’t even depend on umbrella shade because as soon as I feel heat, I feel like I am on fire. 

I am so uncomfortable but I can’t stop. My mother cries every day and my youngest son is afraid of me. My oldest said I look like a ghost but when I look in the mirror I see beauty.  My skin is fair and looks like a porcelain dolly.  I love the way I look but do not like the consequences it is causing.  I wonder if they are all just jealous of my beauty.  I don'’t know but I know I feel bad sometimes that my friends and family are not happy with me and the way I look.  

Please don’t come with the skin cancer story because it’'s not bleaching that causes cancer, it is the food we eat that causes cancer! 

Fair and Very White 

To my knowledge, this is not the woman who wrote to us.  Picture used for illustration purposes only.

I Love Two Men From the Same Family!

Dear WISY,

A few months ago I had the opportunity to meet my fiancĂ©es family.  Most of them live in London and we took a trip to meet them.  Everything was going well until I was introduced to his nephew.  Let me not forget to mention that my future husband is 23 years older than I am.  The problem with meeting his nephew was the fact that I had a relationship with him when I was studying.  We were involved in a very passionate affair for about two years and broke it off after graduation.  He wanted to continue but I knew the distance and schedule would not permit for a relationship.  He hasn’t spoken to me since.

His reaction to seeing me prompted everyone to ask if we know each other but we both denied any prior communication.  One would think that after all these years (10 to be exact) our feelings would subside but my heart reconnected instantly and my body remembered all the pleasure he once gave me.  I went about the rest of the day trying to behave normally.  I tried really hard to suppress my feelings but it grew increasingly difficult every time I saw him.

Eventually, we were alone and he began telling me that it was destiny that we would meet again and that he doesn’t care what the family says or thinks of him, he wants me back in his life.  He told me he has been unable to fall for anyone because his heart belongs to me.  He told me his uncle was too old for me and said he was willing to work hard and provide everything his uncle does for me.

I know this may sound completely ridiculous but I am now torn.  I have been caught off guard by all of this and my emotions are running wild.  What do you suggest I do?

All in the Family