Monday, September 16, 2013

What's the "Breast" Route?

Dear WISY,

I've been dishonest with the guy I'm dating and I'm ready to come clean.  I am just afraid of the embarrassment that it's going to cause me, especially since this thing is one of the reasons he is so attracted to me.

I have fake skin color, silicone breast inserts that I use to make my breasts appear bigger.  I wasn't blessed with a full rack and I'm too broke to get plastic surgery so I use what I have in the meantime.  I've been putting off sex with him because I'm afraid one of the inserts will fall out of my bra.  Anytime we're alone and we're getting hot and heavy, I make an excuse to leave.  I'm tired of being anxious and nervous around him when it comes to my breasts.

Do you think I should tell him or should I just let him "discover" them on his own?

Small Ones



  1. Small Ones,

    Anything based on a lie will crumble and fall. Tell/show him who you really are. Don't leave it for him to "discover" on his own. Can you imagine how awkward that would be for the both of you?

    If you're that afraid of telling him (as opposed to showing him once you two are in an intimate setting), you could try going without the inserts and see if he notices a difference. For your sake, I'm hoping he doesn't make a big deal of it and continues your relationship because he's attracted to your inner beauty and not your breasts.

    Walk good,

    PS. I know society has placed a lot of emphasis on physical appearance and women are expected to be "barbie doll perfect". Please find the inner strength to be comfortable with what nature gave you. Also, it eliminates a whole lot of hoopla if you're totally honest from the beginning.

  2. Dear Itty Bitty Titty Lady,

    "O what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive."

    Its late so I'll make this brief. You say you have fake color and fake boobage? Are these the only reasons he likes you? Just what color are you anyway - magenta? That's a fake human color for sure. But I digress.

    Before you 'show and tell', talk about it with him first and find out how he prioritizes boobage. Some men don't mind baby boobies, but they do mind [fake] women they can't trust. Have a conversation and give him the benefit of the doubt. If he indicates that he is shallow and is overly concerned with appearances at the expense of character, then he need not know anything, just politely walk away - unless you are like that in which case you have found your life partner. Who knows, he may not even be male. What you see aint always what you get. Good luck with that.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.