Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Wrong Love

Dear WISY,
There is something I've been hiding and it's eating me up inside.  I am in love with someone who I shouldn't be in love with.  For years I've been withholding my true feelings about this man and it gets harder and harder each time I see him and hear his voice.  He is everything I've ever wanted.  He's what I dream about at night and what I wish for.  He is perfect but I shouldn't love him because he is my roommate's man and she herself is madly in love with him.  

I can't help how I feel.  I am not one to cause trouble and I respect people's relationships.  I am involved with a man who has the same name of the one I really love and when we have sex I yell his name at the top of my lungs and close my eyes and hope that maybe when I open them the right K***** will be there.  

I know this may come off as if I'm a deceitful person, but really I am just in love.  Is anything wrong with that?  Do you believe in destiny?  Should I wait it out until my true love falls into my arms?

The Wrong Love


  1. There's nothing wrong with that and sometimes we can't help how we feel or who we fall in love with, but with situations like this u have to be very careful cause someone might get hurt and that someone might just be you.

  2. The only problem here is the man you are involved with may very well be mad about you and you are leading him on because your feelings are not really for him. He come in like a stand-in. I agree with the comment above, you may very well end up losing out in the end. Stay far, far away.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.