Thursday, May 9, 2013


Dear WISY,
Please post this to your blog because I need as much advice as I can get.  I can admit I am not a perfect person and I can admit when I am wrong (most of the time lol) but there is this one person who I absolutely hate.  She has never done anything to me, but I can't stand her.  I can't even stand the sound of her voice and when she walks into a room my mood turns sour.

I am really trying to not be that way towards her but I can't help it.  I have no idea why I can't tolerate this girl.  She just erks me to no end.  Is that normal?  

I need suggestions as to what I can do to be the bigger person and stop hating someone for no apparent reason.

Does anyone else feel me or am I psycho?



  1. I wouldn't necessarily call this a girl problem...this is YOUR problem. I can't grasp the idea of hating someone for no reason. There must be something that happened to cause you to feel this way. Do us a favor and be honest about why you really hate this girl.

  2. I am no psychologist but it sounds a bit like jealousy to me. Maybe there's something about her that you aspire to have for yourself (confidence, a glow, her smile etc.). Or maybe there's a quality that she has that you are trying to get rid of or forget. Either way, I believe the hatred you are projecting towards her is in some way hatred of yourself. Take a good honest look at yourself and make the necessary changes to get out of that mindset. Love is a much more beautiful thing to possess than hate. Be well.

  3. Yes, I feel you are psycho. Hating someone for no reason is not normal. Are you envious in any way about her? This is an internal problem that you need to work out. Perhaps she reminds you of someone who did you some harm in times past? Seek counseling or really look at yourself to find the root of the problem.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.