Friday, July 12, 2013

Afraid & Ashamed

Dear WISY, 

I am writing because I have some thing I need to get off my chest. I am not proud about what I am going to say but I am going to tell it anyway. 

Currently, I am 7 months pregnant and I have been behaving like the baby belongs to my boyfriend. The baby actually belongs to my father's best friend. He is a very close friend of the family and he has watched me grow from a small child until now. He came onto me the first time when I was throwing a tantrum about not getting any money to buy a new outfit for a party. He offered me the money but I noticed his eyes were observing my body as he spoke. I don't know why I wasn't afraid or disgusted. I guess I wanted the money that bad. He continued to give me money without my parents' knowledge and I accepted knowing that one day I might have to give him something in return. 

Well, he finally came onto to me one night when I was at home alone. He knew my parents were at a party and he came in and had sex with me. It only lasted a few minutes because he was so excited about finally having me. After the act he was remorseful and begged for my forgiveness. I told him that I was now an adult woman and he had nothing to fear. We continued to have sex secretly until I discovered I was pregnant. 

He has gone to the UK and promised to return and take care of me and the baby. He has not returned and I heard my father say that he was going to stay in the UK and gain residency. Now, I am stuck with a baby that belongs to my dad's best friend.  My boyfriend has also quit school to get a job to support me and the baby. 

I feel the need to confess and tell everybody the truth but I am so afraid and ashamed of myself. 

Please, WISY, tell me what I should do now.

Afraid & Ashamed



  1. Open your mouth like you opened them legs and tell your boyfriend the truth. Why should he have to quit school to support a child that is not his?

    Step 1. Tell your boyfriend it is not his because you were cheating on him.
    Step 2. Get your UK man's contact info and tell him to send money.
    Step 3. Save your money cause kids aint cheap.
    Step 4. Get good prenatal care.
    Step 5. Write this day down in your journal so it will never happen again.
    Step 6. Live a better life than the deceitful one you've been living.

  2. Anything you do, please remember to keep the safety and wellbeing of you and the unborn child in mind. You have to tell the truth to all involved. Sadly, it won't be may damage some, if not all of those relationships beyond repair, but sometimes that's the price one has to pay for one's misdeeds. You have a better idea of everyone's temperament etc., choose a wise time to do it but please don't put it off much longer. All the best

  3. It's not going to be easy. The longer you wait will only make it more difficult. You have been used by a man that took advantage to you. You are both wrong but I'm not here to judge. You need to write a letter (not an email) to your boyfriend. Explain everything, but be on the phone with him as he reads it. He will be mad, hurt and may say some hurtful things to you. That's expected. Let him express his disappointment and anger. Let him make a decision. Be prepared.
    You should write a letter to your Dad and hand deliver it to him. Let him read it in your presence and let him know the situation. He will be mad but I'm sure he didn't know his best friend was a sneaky bastard. Get it all in the open now. It will be tough, but it will get better. You don't want to continue living a lie and have this blow up in your face. You might be tempted to take a chance and keep it a secret knowing that the real father might disappear and you may not see that coward ever again. Very tempting but beware. This child and your boyfriend are innocent victims. Only you can fix it


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.