Monday, January 30, 2017

I Earned an A+ in School...boys

Dear WISY,

Please tell me what you think I should do.  

I am a student in a University outside of my hometown.  Thankfully, I received an academic scholarship here because my parents didn't have money to send me to school.  They wanted me to attend school nearer to my home but were grateful that I was given money to get an education.  I love it here but I cannot concentrate on my studies, there is just too much distraction.

When I left home last year, I had only been with one man but now I have been with over thirty boys at my school.  I don't know what has come over me and I am more interested in the next date then in my school work.  I have, for the first time in my life, began failing my courses and now I am on academic probation and at risk of losing my scholarship.

I need to know how to get back on track and focus on what is important.  I really do not want to disappoint my family by failing.  Please help and God bless!

Promiscuous Intellectual
WISY's Response:

Dear PI,

It's unfortunate that a school closer to home was not available for you because it seems that this freedom is too much for you to handle.  

Think about the disappointment you will feel within yourself if you are forced to leave school because of something that comes a dime a dozen.  Think about how your family will feel knowing their daughter was more concerned with acquiring distinctions in sexual intercourse than in her academics.  Think about how these guys you are sleeping with will graduate and make their parents proud because they didn't allow anything to get in the way of their academic success.  Think about how it will feel looking on as they graduate, knowing you were blessed with something many pray for and threw it all away.  Is that enough for you to shift focus?

You were awarded a tremendous opportunity because of your scholarly gift.  To let this go to waste could be devastating to your life.  It's time for you to buckle down and stop the foolishness.  Sex ain't going anywhere, it'll be waiting for you once you graduate (with honors, hopefully) so, slow down and take it easy!

Walk good,

P.S.  The embedded links may be helpful to you.


  1. Young lady I guess the saying that book smarts do not equal street smarts applies to you well. You are behaving like you have never been around boys before and I do hope you protect yourself. Give it up before it's too late.

  2. This looks like a lesson you'll have to learn the hard way cause you can't handle freedom well.


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