Monday, September 22, 2014

I Require Luxury

Dear WISY,

I recently had a falling out with my friend because she says I’m wrong but I think once a person is accustomed to a certain thing there is nothing wrong with wanting that at all times.  Here is my story:

I don’t work.  I really have never worked in my entire life.  The only time I can remember having a job is when I was a teenager and I started to take interest in fashion and my mother couldn’t afford the items I wanted.  Now, I am in my mid-thirties, don’t  have any children as yet and I'm totally fine with that.  My main concern is my comfort and when I say comfort, I mean my luxurious lifestyle.  I know most women will not admit to this but I have no problem with claiming what I am and I am a “kept woman”.

I require a man who will take full care of me and go above and beyond the basic necessities.  I have to have a luxury vehicle and a big, comfortable home.  I need to be able to see an item and be able to purchase it and not worry about the price tag.  Most women only dream of the life I live.  I’m not bragging, just telling it like it is.

So, my friend seems to think that I am engaging in wrong behavior because of my requirements.  She says that my man doesn’t really love me.  He just wants to have something nice on his arm and that he will eventually get tired of me.  Can you say "JEALOUS"?  I think that if a person is used to a certain thing that there is nothing wrong with continuing to live that way.  I’m not hurting anyone and both me and my man are happy.

Do you think I am wrong for this?  Keep in mind I’m not hurting a soul or doing anything illegal!


WISY's Response:

Dear Luxurious,

If you and your man are happy then that's your business.  Like you said, you're not harming anyone or engaging in illegal activity.  HOWEVER, I can't help but think of how lost you would be without the man (or men) who supports your luxurious lifestyle.  I didn't see that you mentioned anything about a skill or trade you could fall back on in case everything you have grown accustomed to suddenly disappears.  May I suggest you use some of his money to pay for an education of some sort?  There must be something that you have an interest in.  Why not become a professional at it?

If you are fine with being his arm candy then you must know that he has an eye for pretty things and there are many other pretty things running around that could very well replace you on his arm.  Not trying to burst your bubble, "just telling it like it is" :-).

I'll leave you with this:
Think about your future.  Material things can be taken away in an instant and beauty fades.  Make sure you are taking steps to secure happiness and peace when you are too old to be "arm candy".

Walk good,



  1. yuck. i can smell your corroding soul. real men love women of substance. i would never want you.

  2. ^ Nobody asked you if u want her. This isn't a dating site. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best in life ! What's wrong with people !

  3. you require a slap!


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.