Monday, March 25, 2013

Women In the Industry

(Dear WISY)

"I’m writing to tell you a little about what goes on in the entertainment industry.  I want people to know what female artists are faced with on a daily basis.  Let me make it clear that I am speaking about the Dancehall industry in Jamaica.  I’ve been told that female dancehall artists in other islands don’t get treated like we do, but that’s something for them to come talk about.  I can only talk about my own experiences.

I’m going to be as blunt as I possibly can and I would hope that you don’t edit my letter too much.  I’m not asking for advice nor do I need any.  I’ve learned all I need to know in my environment. 

The Dancehall industry in Jamaica is a disgrace as far as women are concerned.  First of all, there are too many women in the industry that don’t write for themselves.  Some producer decides to put one of his f8ck buddies on a riddim and writes all her lyrics and the b*itch can’t even hold a note.  The song is auto tuned to no end and that same song ends up in heavy rotation because of connects and links that the producer has not because the chick can actually sing/perform.

For those of us who can perform and write AND hold a note, we have to bring some lyrics that go above and beyond our male counterparts and when we get on stage we have to do Olympic level gymnastics for the crowd to give us a forward.  We thoroughly entertain and the show promoters won’t even give us the proper amenities back stage.  It’s a damn disgrace!

We have to deal with the rumours of sleeping with whomever we are working with.  If I do a collaboration with a male DJ does it automatically mean I am f*cking him?  Come on people!  I am talented and I’ve worked so hard to keep myself afloat in the industry but every day I am faced with some kind of judgment or stereotype.  It makes me want to leave Dancehall and pursue a career elsewhere.

As I said, this is just a little about the industry.  There’s a lot more that I could discuss, but I just want people to appreciate us more.  Respect the hard work we put in for your entertainment and stop the foolishness."

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What are your thoughts on this? Please share.