Monday, March 25, 2013

My Man is BORING!

Dear WISY,
I am in a relationship with a very respectable, stand-up guy.  He is everything your mother tells you to marry.  He has a great job with limitless growth potential, a home of his own and a nice car.  Material things aside, he is also a very nice guy.  He’s just perfect and that’s the problem.  I’m bored with him.

I’ve suggested that we do things to spice things up a bit but he turns me down each time and tells me that the things I want aren’t lady like and he wouldn’t want his woman doing those sorts of things.  When I discuss my wants with my close friends they tell me that it’s nothing out of the ordinary, so why does he not want me to do these things?  Why is he so damn uptight?

Everyday it’s the same routine and I’m about to lose my mind.  He even makes love to me in the same manner each time.  And I’m supposed to want “this” for the rest of my life?  I keep hearing my mother tell me that I will adjust and in the long run I will be glad that I stuck with him.  I’m not so sure about that. 

Should I stay or should I go?



  1. there a big age difference involved here? or are u guys close in age

  2. The grass is not greener on the other side. Its green where you water it. Try once more for the road; come to a meeting of the minds before you walk away.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.