Thursday, March 14, 2013

Guilty Conscience

The following is a letter from one of our readers, please leave a comment below.  For our answer to this letter, please visit

Dear WISY,
I am a mother of two lovely little girls and I have been carrying the burden of a secret that could change our lives forever.  I don’t believe my oldest daughter belongs to my husband.  He is a business man and is successful with his ventures.  He loves the girls very much but I don’t believe he loves me.  

From the beginning of our relationship, he has acted like he just married me because I was the first one to come along that showed any interest in him.  He is not so attractive but he holds a powerful position and that is sexy to me.  It is because of his attitude toward me that forced me to stray and sleep with another man.  I got pregnant and immediately stopped seeing the man on the side.  I was nervous because I really didn’t know who was responsible for the pregnancy.  I played along and held my breath until she was born and when I looked at her I forced myself to see my husband in her eyes.

Years have passed and she is beginning to look like the other man.  She even walks like him!  My husband seems to fancy her more than our last daughter which makes it all the more difficult to deal with. 

I really need the advice of my fellow women.  I know I’m not the only one who has been in this type of situation.  Should I tell him and risk losing the perks of having a wealthy husband or should I carry on the way we are and convince myself that my affair with the other man was just a dream?  I figure that I will suffer either way.  I just need to choose which type of suffering is the best.

Guilty Conscience

1 comment:

  1. Dear Guilty,

    Round these here parts we deal in personal accountability, which means we do not accept that anyone’s attitude forced you underneath some other man. We need you to get real quickly. You had an adulterous relationship with another man because you wanted to. Don’t insult our intelligence.

    Should you tell your husband your oldest daughter may not be his? Determine paternity with your doctor via DNA test first. If your husband is not the father, you should tell him. The truth has a way of coming out at the most inopportune time. At least this way, you look like you care enough to be honest.

    Walk good,
    #Team WISY

    PS – May I recommend that you and your husband seek counseling or at least begin to improve your relationship by talking about whatever issues may be before you? You sound like his money is what is keeping you there. That’s no way to build a marriage.


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