Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Help! I'm an Alcoholic

Dear WISY,

I think I have a serious problem.  I'm ashamed and I know I need help, but I can't speak to anyone about it just yet.  I have been drinking too much.  I drink to the point that I don't remember anything.  I have been waking up in random places with random people.  My career is in jeopardy and I think my family and friends are noticing that something is wrong.

I enjoy drinking.  I always tell myself that I'll just have one, but I'm obviously not doing a good job with that.  I go out because I'm single, I live alone, and I get lonely sometimes.  Drinking has made me a lot of friends, but I do not have control over myself.

I really need some advice to help me manage this.

Secret Alcoholic

Dear Secret Alcoholic,

I'm so glad you've reached out and have identified that you are struggling with your alcohol consumption.  
First things first, since you have blacked out on numerous occasions with people who you don't know, you should visit your physician and get tested for any possible contracted diseases.  Secondly, I think it would be a good idea to move in with a friend or family member so that you don't have that overwhelming feeling of loneliness that drives you to seek unhealthy companionship.  Last, and most importantly, it's time to lock in some time to see a therapist on a regular basis.

If you have insurance, your policy should cover your therapy costs.  If you don't have insurance or are on a plan that doesn't pay for therapy, you can use free resources provided by your local government.  Please do your research and find the best fit for you.

In the meantime, if you feel the urge to go drinking, call a close friend or family member instead.  Over time, you may feel comfortable enough to share your struggle and receive some much needed emotional support.  Whatever you do, try to break the pattern of loneliness = drinking.  Try loneliness = phone call with a loved one or loneliness = visiting loved ones or loneliness = binge watching your favorite series. Ultimately, loneliness should no longer equal going out to drink.

I wish you the best.  Stay in touch!

Walk good,

P.S. Don't confuse friends with acquaintances.  Friends would make sure you wake up safely in your own bed.


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