Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Does He Like Me?

Dear WISY,

I really like this guy I just met at happy hour a few weeks ago.  We've been texting back and forth, flirting with each other; you know, all the small talk of getting to know each other, but he hasn't asked me out yet.  

I really like him.  He checks all the boxes!  He talks to me every day, but he has never suggested that we meet up or anything, even when we have phone sex!  I'm not sure what to think.  I think he really likes me, but if he did, wouldn't he be asking me out?  I am so confused.  I could ask him what's up, but I'm not that bold.

What do you think it is?

Ready for the Next Level
WISY's Response:


Hmmm...if a guy is into you, he usually makes it a point to let you know.  So, there could be several things going on here.  He may have situations or issues that he hasn't discussed with you which would not allow for dating.  He could be oblivious to the fact that you want to take it past sexting and phone sex.  He could be content with the current situation, or he may be shy.  The best thing for you to do is ask.  If you're too shy to ask, then hint aggressively.

It's okay to take the lead if you want to date someone.  Gender roles have taught us to stay within our traditional limits, but it won't reflect negatively on your character if you decide to be up front with him.  Go for it.  You need to know what you're dealing with.

Walk good,

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