Monday, November 5, 2018

Is She Texting My Man?

Dear WISY,

I have a feeling that my boyfriend is creeping with my half sister.  I recently connected with her after my father got sick and called for all his children to unite.   Anyway, she met my man and I got a funny feeling immediately.  She was commenting about how fine he is and telling me how lucky I am.  It made me uncomfortable.

Fast forward to last week at my birthday dinner.  First of all, I was annoyed with my sister for trying to be in complete control of everything.  She was rubbing my guests the wrong way with her uppity attitude.  On top of that, she was all over my man! She was feeding him and flirting with him.  I asked him to stop entertaining her mess, but he thought it was hilarious and continued letting her feed him.  They ruined my birthday.

Later that night I saw his phone.  She was texting him saying she wishes she could cross the line but I'm family and that's a no no. For the past couple nights he's been coming in later, not wanting sex, just acting different.

I've been trying to get to his phone but I can't. I have a feeling they are creeping.  Does it seem that way or am I crazy?


Suspicious Sis

Dear SS,

Both your sister and boyfriend displayed concerning behavior.  Are they creeping?  Maybe.  I'm not sure.  I would need more details to say for sure.  If you're that suspicious about it, confront them.  Invite them both to dinner, express your gripes concerning their behavior, and let them know that you saw the messages.  You should have a better idea about what's going on after you speak with them.  You should know your boyfriend well enough to know when he isn't being truthful.  Also, observe their behavior after the discussion.  Overcompensation usually means guilt.

Walk good,


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