Monday, November 20, 2017

He Wants me to Pretend

Dear WISY,

I don't know what to do.  I was digging myself deep into financial debt so I started sleeping with this guy who owns a business so he can help me out.  Since I've been with him for the past two months, he has already helped me lower my outstanding debt.  Everything is fine.  I give him what he wants and he gives me what I want.  We are actually friends with benefits, so we hang out from time to time too.  I don't see anything wrong with that.

My problem is that he wants me to come around his family for the holidays.  I asked him why and he told me that it's a part of the deal.  I have to now pretend that I'm in a relationship with him if I want to continue to get financial help.  I already went to meet his cousin who is a guy, but I really don't want to meet his mother and sisters.  I don't know how to lie to them about the relationship.

I'm really benefiting from his assistance.  I don't want the cash flow to stop.  What do I do?

Fake Girlfriend
WISY's Advice:

Dear Fake Girlfriend,

What's the reason why you two haven't become involved in a committed relationship?  Have you ever given that any thought or are you just trying to get your money and run?  I'm not knocking you, I'm just curious as to why you two haven't considered it, especially since you hang out.

Anyway, if you didn't agree to playing the girlfriend role in the beginning then he shouldn't spring that on you.  Is he asking you to do that instead of sex?  If he isn't then you can tell him that he has to choose one.  Be prepared in case he asks you to skip sex for the family functions.  It sounds to me like he may be interested in making you his woman, but doesn't know how to approach it. 

I know you didn't ask my opinion on what you're doing, but I'll give it to you anyway.  Go find a part time job to help you eliminate your debt.  When you rely on lonely men who can't get a woman in normal fashion to help you, you end up in strange situations like this one.  You're lucky he didn't ask for something worse.

Have a talk with the guy.  Ask him to stick to the script if that's what you're comfortable with.  If he doesn't agree, cut your losses and be grateful that you were able to make a dent in your debt, and that you didn't get caught up in some crazy situation.  

Oh yea, there's this thing called the internet where you can go to find just about anything you need - even jobs. 😇

Walk good,



1 comment:

  1. Idea!! Instead of being a sophisticated prostitute, why don't you get rid of all your debt by actually being his girlfriend. It is apparent that he likes you and realizes that you just like his money. I'm sure he will take better care of his woman than he would a whore.


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