Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Dear WISY,

Please do not reveal my identity.  I am in so much trouble right now.  I lied about my sister’s boyfriend attempting to rape me.  I can tell that the police don’t believe me.  I am being threatened by people in my community and also by the police.  I have not admitted to lying because I do not want to be punished.

You must be wondering why I told such a lie.  Well, it’s because I was jealous of my sister and this boy.  I wanted him for myself, but he used to tease me and call me “stick figure girl”.  My sister is always the one who gets complimented by guys, and we are the same body type and same face.  I don’t understand it.

I tried to seduce him but he turned me down and told me he was going to expose me to my family so, I panicked and ran with the lie of him trying to rape me.  I know I am wrong, and I would not do something like this, but I got frightened at the thought of my family knowing what I did.

Since then, the police took him in, but for some reason, people do not believe me.  It is a matter of time before I get into big trouble.  Please help me.  Please do not insult me.  I am suffering enough already.  God bless.

WISY’s Response:

Dear Liar,

I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for you.  Do you understand the magnitude of hurt this is causing the boy?  Do you realize that you could potentially ruin this innocent boy’s life?  All because he chose to pursue and remain loyal to your sister?  Perhaps he could sense the type of person you truly are.  You have evil characteristics:  jealous, untrustworthy, and sly.    You deserve “big trouble”, and I hope when it hits you, it knocks some positivity into your heart.

The best thing for you to do is confess that you fabricated the story and why you did so.  Go immediately to the police and free that boy!  Make sure your face is mugshot ready.  Tell your family to retain a lawyer because you have to face the consequences of your own actions.  I hope this will be a life changing experience for you; I hope you change for the better.

I despise women like you.  I have nothing else to say.

Walk good,


  1. I hope she never sees the light of day again smfh

  2. I absolutely despise women like this! You are selfish, insecure, insensitive, a terrible sister and person in general. It's women like you that make real victims of rape have such a difficult time proving the credibility of our ordeals. At the time, I couldn't understand why people were so incredulous when I had to recount the events of that day, but then I began to hear more and more stories of idiots like yourself and it started to make sense. I had so much more to say to this b.s. but Im so incensed I can't even think straight.

  3. Straight to jail with no bail, you're what they call a wolf in sheep's clothing

  4. Young lady, think about it carefully. You don't want to be punished for something you did, but you can allow this guy to be punished for something he didn't do?? Youre scared, so could you imagine how he feels? I won't insult you, but I'm begging you to fix it now before you ruin his life. Go to him or call him and apologize and tell him that you're going to fix it now. Tell your sister that you were jealous of her, but you love her and will fix it. Do the right thing


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