Monday, July 10, 2017

My Friend Wants My Man

Dear WISY,

I'm really hurting right now.  I think my best friend is trying to get with my man.  My best friend has always had a troubled life.  I stood by her side even when her family turned their backs on her.  I think she's addicted to sex and money.  All she does is sleep with men for money.  She drinks and takes drugs and likes the party lifestyle.

Anyway, she always tells me my man is cute.  She says I'm lucky to have him and if I wasn't her friend she would take him.   I asked her how she's so sure he would want her, and she said she can have any man she wants. It's true, she can.  She is very pretty with a nice body, but I think she secretly hates herself.

I opened my man's phone one night when he was asleep.  I know his password because one day he was unlocking it and I was peeking and I memorized it.  I opened it and saw her conversation with him. They sext almost every night.  She told him she wants to get with him but she would feel bad because of me.  He said he's attracted to her too, but he wouldn't want to hurt me.

What do I tell them? They both love and respect me but are being inappropriate.  How do I tell him I know what's going on without getting in trouble for opening his phone? Should I even care ? I think I care about them too much. I know they are good people. What should I do?



WISY's Response:

Dear Hurt,

You "think" your friend is trying to get with your man??  How much more evidence do you need?

It seems you have a good heart.  It also seems like you'r really naive.  Sweetheart, when people show you who they are, believe them.  Your friend sounds like she has a lot of issues, and there's nothing you can do to change that.  You've stuck by her when everyone turned their backs on her, and she has the nerve to flirt with your man.  Think about that.  If she's going to change, it has to be her decision.  It seems like she's far from that mindset.  

Your man doesn't deserve you.  I believe that if your friend hadn't said what she did about you, he'd hop on that ride without hesitation.

The only thing I suggest you tell these two is "bye".

Walk good,


  1. Talk to your friend again. Tell her you love her like a sister and you will never do anything to hurt her. You have helped her before and would do it again. Tell her that she's very attractive and could probably get any man, but remind her that your man is hand off. Tell her that you love and know them both very well, and you're picking up a weird vibe with them both, and you sense some sexual tension. Let her promise to not flirt or have sexual talks with him and not try to steal him cause it will hurt you and destroy a great friendship and relationship and you don't deserve it especially after you did so much for her. ...then tell her you love her.

    PLAN B: Have a threesome !!!

  2. Why you in his phone? How you gone explain that violation of trust when you confront him on his violation? Asking for a friend.

    1. Never admit to looking at his phone. Just pretent you just have a strange feeling and your sixth sense tells you that something is going on. Just say, "if I'm wrong, them I apologise".


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.