Monday, June 19, 2017

I Need Dating Advice

Dear WISY,

I need some dating advice.  I seem to always attract the guys who have nothing going for them.  Every time I give dating a chance, I'm always let down.  I met a guy around new year's and just like all the other guys, he has a dead end job, terrible credit, and is always broke.  I decided to give it a try anyway.

At first everything was fine.  I overlooked his shortcomings because he is absolutely gorgeous AND he is an amazing lover.  He touches me in a way I've never been touched before.  I admit that his talents blinded me for a while, but now I'm over it!  I can only consider him a friend with benefits now.

What am I doing wrong?

Wrong Attractions

WISY's Response:

Dear WA,

Consciously or subconsciously, we all have a type we're attracted to.  As the saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover, but if you pay attention, there are certain characteristics which exude a person's traits, decorum, and other lifestyle facts.  For example:  if a man wears an excessive amount of jewelry, he is desperate to display his wealth as a means of validation.  Chances are he is insecure about his past monetary status.  This could also be an indication of many other signs - like not knowing how to invest his money wisely.

You need to pay attention to what usually attracts you to these men.  What are the similarities?  Where do you meet them?  How do they approach you or vice versa?  Think of all the different situations and find the one tell-tale thread.  When you figure it out, make a conscious effort to avoid it.

Other things you should consider are your appearance and behavior.  Are you sending the wrong signals? Are you presenting yourself in a manner which makes these guys approach you with ease?  If you're not already, you should begin to act and dress for the part.  Present yourself in a manner which reflects what you desire.  These are the simple laws of cause and effect.  Research it if you want to know more.  I hope this helps.

Walk good,


  1. If good credit is a criteria for her to date you.... she's already lost. Credit can ALWAYS be repaired. Good character and heart can't. She needs to focus on the type of man and not what he has. Cause that can always change.

    1. I appreciate this comment...wisy didn't touch on this at all and it's important! Wisy I agree with your advice but you needed to check that girl.

  2. You looking at unimportant things and making them important. Worry about your own job and credit. Is the man good to you? Is he there for you and listen to you when you talk? A good woman will know how to bring out greatness of any man she's with. Ma'am stop being a BIRD. A man who is good to you is whats important.

  3. Change the way you're dressed. Dress in a way to attract a classier group that would intimidate most. I can almost guarantee that those guys approached you and not the other way. You need to look like a lady who is on a higher level. Make them think that they have to step up their game before approaching you. It's all in your appearance.

  4. Laws of attraction. Also what is her relationship with her father that has a lot to do with it too. I find that when a young lady grows up and if she doesn't have a relationship with her father or no male figure she can looks for that male . If the father is the same as the guy she attracts she will go for that. I suggest she work on building her star player her M.V.P which herself . Love herself and do some research and examine what and why she keeps attracting these men . Also she should try to make a conscious effort to see the signs and stop herself from dating those men . I'm not saying that not to give a men a chance because you can always build a man to be the best version of themselves but they have to want it too and you have to see and that they motivated . Not by word but actions prove also .


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