Wednesday, May 17, 2017

They Beat me Because...

Dear WISY,

Please help me with my relationship.  I met a guy a couple months ago and it was love at first sight for the both of us.  We became very close, very quickly and we are talking about taking it to the next step and moving in together.  This guy has everything I’ve ever wanted in a man and I guess I am the same for him.  I have never felt this way before and I was very happy for the first time in my life.

The other day, I got a phone call from a young lady who said she was my boyfriend’s woman.  I asked her to repeat herself because I couldn’t believe my ears.  She repeated herself and told me she wanted me and her to gang up on him and confront him together.  She said she wanted the both of us to stick together because we are women and men always take advantage of our kindness.

I agreed with what she said and went to meet her the day we planned.  When I got there, three girls ran up to me and jumped me.  I didn’t know who I was looking for but she knew me.  They ganged me and beat me up bad.  Today is my first day back at my house after a few days in the hospital.  I had to get stitches in three different parts of my lip, both of my eyes were black and blue and my face was swollen with knots all over.  I was told that some bystanders parted the fight and called an ambulance and the police.  I don’t remember any of that.  The girls were arrested and I have to go to the police station to identify them as my attackers.

My boyfriend has been by my side ever since and he keeps apologizing for what happened.  He told me that he left that girl for me and she didn’t like it.  He told me that she promised to find me and beat me.  He also told me that the other girls with his ex were his cousins who initially introduced them.  He told me they were manipulated and that I shouldn’t press charges against them but only the ex.  I feel like all of them should go to jail.  I did nothing to them.  He is begging me to not do it.  Do you think I should spare them and only charge the ex?

WISY’s Response:

Dear Beaten,

These are the types of letters that make my blood boil.  Wooosaaaaaaaaah!

Every one of those girls deserves to spend some time behind bars for what they did to you.  They are all guilty of inflicting harm and could’ve left you with severe disabilities or worse, they could’ve killed you.   Don’t allow your boyfriend to persuade you towards anything different.  They plotted, schemed and attacked you – if he can’t see how vile and dangerous these girls are, then perhaps he needs a beat down to understand exactly what you’ve been through. 

Pump your brakes with this dude.  He doesn’t sound like the type of man who would remain loyal to you.  In your time of healing, he’s showing how selfish he can be.  He should be doing everything in his power to protect you and reassure you that you’re safe in his presence – even if that means teaching family a valuable life lesson.  He claims his ex manipulated his cousins but it seems he’s on a heavy manipulation campaign himself.

Go to the police station and be truthful about what happened.  If your boyfriend disagrees with that then send him on his way.  You don’t need a man like that in your life.

Walk good,

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1 comment:

  1. Every single one of them bitches should go jail how they were manipulated by the ex girlfriend it could very well be that they manipulated the girlfriend to do this either which way the assing that they put on her they belong in jail that's not no regular girl fight they went with intent to kill or damage her badly


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