Monday, March 13, 2017

My Facebook Posts Made Him Jealous

Dear WISY, 

I got into a big disaster because at the time my man and I had stopped communicating with each other and our relationship was basically fading away. I started posting hints on Facebook not to attract another man but to help motivate or enlighten women and possibly men out there about what could happen in relationships. 

One day I received a message via Facebook from this man I went to school with and he was crying about his wife betraying him. He also made mention of some things he would see in his mind, like standing at the top of the stairs and dropping a baby by accident. I felt so sorry for him that I began talking to him more often than I should have, and that's where I went wrong.

After a while he started to send me love messages and would send voice notes playing love songs. Little did I know, he was trying to destroy my relationship because he thought I always spoke too good about it via my Facebook posts.

So, like I said I started talking to him so often that one night I fell asleep talking to him via social media and that's when I found out how wicked he really was. This man went all out to try to destroy my life but I was always praying and he did not know. He got me caught up in arguments with people who literally hate me and then he called my phone one late night to cause problems, hoping my man would pick up the phone or my man would be there to force me to answer the strange number. He did this only because he knew my relationship was on the verge of ending.

In the end, though extremely tempted, I decided to let it slide until I see him face to face to spit on him. 

Yours Truly, 
A Regular Lady

WISY's Response:

Dear ARL,

I've found that Facebook can be a breeding ground for jealousy and hatred. Unbeknownst to you, you could create enemies just by posting your day to day happenings. People are unhappy with themselves and their life conditions and cannot stand to see others happy. It is unfortunate that social media has become a platform for tearing each other down rather than building our peers up!

This guy took advantage of your good heart and tried to play you like a fiddle. I'm glad he was unsuccessful and I'm glad his true character was revealed. Hopefully, his unsuccessful attempt to tear you down will serve as a wake up call for him to improve his life condition and gain inner peace. If not, he can wallow in his own self hatred and self-destruct on his own. Either way, it should be of no concern to you. Continue to post as you please.

You made the best decision. Some battles are better left alone, especially when the opponent seems to have serious mental issues.

Walk good,

p.s. Continue to pray for guidance and protection and no spitting! 😂😂😂

1 comment:

  1. Be very careful indeed. Some of them get fulfillment from seeing others suffer. They are evil and sent to do the devik's work.


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