Monday, March 27, 2017

I Can't Find a Man

Dear WISY,

Tell me if there's something wrong with me.  

I'm the only one of my friends who isn't married.  I'm in my 40s and I have been engaged a few times but I have always broken it off.  I always cheat or just disappear without explanation.  I have yet to meet someone who can get me to commit wholeheartedly and I'm beginning to lose hope.

I want to start a family and as you know, my clock is ticking away.  I do want to settle down but I can't find anybody who can keep me engaged.  I've tried all the dating sites and I've met dozens of men but I just don't connect with anyone.

Do you think there's an issue with me?  What should a woman my age be most concerned with in a partner?

WISY's Response:

Dear Disengaged,

I get the feeling that you are entering into relationships for the wrong reasons.  Your primary flaw is probably rushing in because you feel pressured to settle soon.

Your age doesn't determine what you should be looking for in a man.  The only thing you're ever required to look for is someone who you can't imagine living without.  Whatever qualities your perfect match should have depends solely on you.  I hope you're not comparing yourself to other women in their 40s; that would be a mistake and probably is the reason why your relationships have failed.

Take your time, venture out to new places, try a new activity.  It is said that if you want different results, you have to do things differently.  Voila!

Walk good,


  1. She's also leaving a lot out of the story.

  2. Sounds like she has commitment issues and enjoys new relationships. Seems immature.

  3. Ma'am something is wrong with you. You seem to be afraid of commitment and follow through. You don't seem mature enough to maintain a solid relationship long term. Do you even want to be married? You are the common denominator here so the answer lies within you. Search your own heart and be honest. Know thineself. Carry on.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.