Monday, November 21, 2016

I Don't Want to Give Him My STD

Dear WISY,

My man wants to take it to the next level and have unprotected sex but I have an STD and don't want to give it to him. I love him and I fear that if I tell him he will leave and if I continue to hold out he will also leave.  It's a lose - lose situation.

He said he wants children and all that but I can't expose him to this. What can I do?


WISY's Response:

Dear Infected,

I commend you for being responsible in this situation; I wish more people would do the same.  The best thing to do is tell him.  I know you fear losing him but if you truly love him, you'll be open and honest with him and give him the choice of how he wants to proceed.

As far as future life plans are concerned, you could consult with your doctor to see what measures can be taken to eliminate the risk of disease transmission.

Best of luck!

Walk good,


  1. Yes very responsible of her indeed....

  2. Ma'am, how did you see this playing out? You're gonna have to tell him something and sooner rather than later. Sort yourself and stop hindering the truth. If you want this relationship to be serious than you have to handle it more seriously. Get on it ma'am. Give him the option to stay or go, don't hold him bound by deception. JUST DO IT

  3. Here's the problems you're facing... You can't have any sex with him and not tell him you have an STD. It would be best if he heard it from you and not finding out some other way. It will kill the trust and he will hate you. Second, if you tell him and he leaves you, it will be one other person who knows your secret and could potentially leak it to others. This is what you should do. Don't tell him yet. Break up with him. Tell him that you're saving yourself for marriage and it's not fair for you to make him wait. If he stays and you figure he's a great guy, then you tell him the truth.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.