Monday, September 12, 2016

Not in the Mood Anymore

Dear WISY,

My appetite for sex is gone.  I don't know what happened but I went from wanting it daily to pretending to be in a deep sleep when my husband wants me.  It's been an abrupt change and I can't figure out why it happened.  I'm still young, still think he's attractive, still do all the things we've always done but when it's time to have sex, I don't want to.

He's been complaining about the lack of physical contact and today he told me he's going out with some of his friends.  It may not seem like a big deal but he never goes out with friends.  If he goes out, it's with me.  I'm so terrified that he is going out to cheat on me because I haven't been giving him what he needs.

I don't know what to do.  I don't want to lose my hubby.

Not in the Mood

WISY's Response:

Dear Not in the Mood,

I would consult with your doctor to see what could be causing this.  Hormonal changes and other underlying issues which you may not immediately recognize could contribute to your sudden change.  Whatever you do, don't just lay back and allow this to become the norm.  You can't make such a drastic change for no apparent reason and expect your spouse to be alright with that.

Walk good,


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