Monday, March 2, 2015

Positive Vibes Only

Dear WISY, 

I have a friend who only calls me to share gossip and who only calls when she's feeling down and out.  She never calls to check on me and see how me and my kids are doing.  She calls only when she needs something.  I confronted her about it and she got mad and posted on Facebook that I am a selfish person.  

I'm starting to wonder if I was wrong for telling her that.  But honestly, whenever she calls I am always left feeling upset because of the negative news she always brings.  Should I apologize and make amends? 


She's Too Negative

Dear She's Too Negative,

I know the type you speak of and I'm glad to hear you called her out on her constant negativity.  Don't question your decision to tell her.  She sounds like someone you're better off without.  Her post on Facebook just goes to show that she was never truly a friend to you in the first place and ultimately a person who thrives on drama and negativity. 

Never hesitate to eliminate aspects of your life that don't bring you happiness.  Good riddance!

Walk good,


  1. I know a couple people like this also. No need for them in your life, all they do is bring you down.

  2. you call these type of people energy suckers! avoid them!


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.