Monday, January 12, 2015

I Don't Like Her!

Dear WISY, 

It’s a new year and I really need to get something off of my chest.  Please don’t judge me. There is this girl that recently started working in my office building.  She is beautiful, she drives a nice car and she is also a very nice girl.  She’s always pleasant and always smiles to show off her beautiful teeth.  I hate her though. I hate how perfect she is and for the past month or so, I have been secretly trying to mess up her life.  

There is this guy in my office that really liked her. He was always talking about how beautiful she is and how he starts sweating in the elevator when they happen to be in there together.  I was so sick of him going crazy over her and I decided to end all of that.  I told him all these lies about her and how I knew her from before but she didn’t want me outing her about her previous ways so we act like we just met. I told him that she’s a hoe and how she had multiple abortions and all kinds of horrible stuff. 

He has now spread the rumors all over the office and people are talking about her left, right and center. The other day, the same guy told me he saw her on the elevator and made a remark about her being a slut with other people on the elevator.  He said she tried to act like she didn’t know what he was talking about but he let her have it anyway.  

This whole thing is a mess.  This girl is talking about suing the guy for slander and said that her colleagues have heard the rumors and are treating her differently.  I know I should confess to all of it but I really like that she isn’t being put on a pedestal anymore; that ‘bout drove me nuts!  I know I’m wrong for all of this but I just can’t make myself do the right thing and before you think it, no, I’m not jealous! 

Not Jealous
WISY's Response:

Dear Not Jealous,

If you’re not jealous, as you say, then what would you call it?  Here is a girl who is going about her business.  She is pleasant with you and just happened to catch the attention of a guy you work with.  Where’s the harm in that?  Would you rather this guy go crazy over you?  Do you wish your teeth were as beautiful as hers (her beautiful teeth must bother you since you took the time to mention them)?  You are absolutely jealous of this girl.  You wish you had the qualities she possesses and you probably wish you had the attention she gets from the guy you work with.  Admit it.  You’re jealous.

Part of the reason why men disrespect women the way they do is because we disrespect each other first.  A woman who feels threatened by another woman will jump at the opportunity to degrade her.  Some of this stems from a history of lack of opportunity for women.  I’ll also place blame on the lack of upstanding men.  It seems women are more concerned with their relationship with men than they are with each other.  It’s a shame that we cannot realize the power we hold by standing together and ultimately becoming the ruling sex of this world.

Now, we need to get down to the legal fiasco which may ensue because of your lies.  Before people are wrongfully charged, you need to come clean.  I don’t know why you are hesitant about it.  I guarantee that you will be exposed.  In the legal world, there are investigations and it won’t be difficult to find the root to all of this evil.  Come clean and apologize.  Make sure your admission reaches the numbers that your false rumors have.  Prepare to receive the same treatment that you caused the girl to have.  When it comes, I hope you can take it.  You definitely deserve it, not her.

Your jealousy undoubtedly stems from insecurity.  Do what you need to do to boost your self-esteem and become a person who contributes positively to the world.  Holding onto such feelings will make you sick; both mentally and physically.

Walk good,



  1. Smfh !!!!!!!!! Lady u r one jealous bitch that need a mental evaluation.

  2. U r probably ugly and we already know u r ugly internally. U r craving the type of attention this young lady got But it's not her fault that she is what she is. Change your badmind ways and u will see how your life changes for the better. U will get the attention you so desperately crave.

  3. All she had to do is be her friend and get some beauty tips.


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