Monday, December 29, 2014

I Was Too Drunk to Remember

Dear WISY,

It's been almost six months now and my ex best friend still won't speak to me.  I accidentally slept with her man and she's mad at me and not at him.  She really should be mad at him because he was sober and I was drunk.  I really don't even remember actually having sex with him.  All I know is what he claimed went down.  He said I came on to him one night when the three of us were chilling.  My bestie fell asleep like she always does when we drink and her man said I jumped on him.  I'm 5'2" and 120 lbs.  There is no way I could've just jumped on him and taken what I wanted.  He could have pushed me off easily.  I don't know, it all seems like a big lie to me now that I think about it.

She's just blinded by him.  She believes everything he says.  It's ridiculous.  If he told her that Michael Jackson was still alive she would believe it (no disrespect to MJ.  R.I.P.)!  I don't get it.  I wish she could see that this whole thing doesn't make much sense.  I hate being accused for things I didn't do but to me, trying to regain her trust is pointless now.  Do you think I should give it one last shot?

Ex Bestie

WISY's Response:

Dear Ex Bestie,

This whole story sounds a little fishy to me.  I don't trust the boyfriend's account of what went down.  You're right, you're petite and it's highly unlikely that you could overpower a man (I'm assuming he's bigger than you) unless you were thoroughly trained in combat.  So, with that said, I believe that perhaps you did unknowingly sleep with him and he wanted it or he lied about the whole thing.

How was your relationship with him prior to this?  Did he ever come on to you?  Did he express his dislike for you?  Whatever the case may be, he seems to have wanted your relationship with your best friend to deteriorate.  

It's a shame that you don't have any recollection of the night.  Let this be a lesson to you as well.  There's no need to drink to the point where you can't truly be sure of your actions.  That's a dangerous situation to put yourself in.

I know this may be a hard thing to do but I think you should move on.  It's already been six months and if your best friend really missed having you in her life, she would've reached out already.  Besides, rekindling the friendship would mean accepting her boyfriend back in your life as well.  I think you're better off without someone who would take advantage of you or lie on you.  Leave it alone.  The truth is bound to come out sooner or later and that will be an issue your ex bestie will have to take on.

Walk good,


  1. I agree. There wasn't a pregnancy or disease that occurred (I'm assuming), so leave it alone. Use it as a lesson to always be on top of things where alcohol especially is concerned.

  2. Don't blame it on the a a a a a alcohol! Lol You did well want off your friend man and you took a piece an act like you were drunk. I know your kind. U dam lie and bad.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.