Monday, December 8, 2014

He's A Criminal. Should I Leave?

Dear WISY,

My man and I have grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle.  He provides me with what I need and I look pretty and sexy for him in return.  The problem is, my conscience has been bothering me about the whole thing. The way he gets his money is dishonest and I’m starting to become afraid of what will happen to him because I know these things don’t last forever.  I know one day he’ll be found out and I'm terrified.

I try to talk to him about it and he tells me if I don’t like it I can go about my business but I don’t want to leave and let another woman come in and take my place and experience the luxurious life I have been living.  I can’t have that at all so, I’m conflicted.  My mind is telling me something bad will happen soon and I don’t want to be involved but I don’t want another b*tch to come in and take my spot.

What should I do?  I guess I already know what to do but I need some convincing.


WISY's Response:

Dear Conflicted,

My first thought would be to respond to you with this: "You already know what to do so do it." but I realize situations like these aren't always that simple.  I would like to think that if you had the strength to leave, you would have left already or perhaps you are truly in love with this man and cannot imagine life without him.  So, I'll tell you this:  In life, there are consequences for everything.  These consequences may not be immediate but they will come about sooner or later.  The way in which your man is obtaining his riches is dishonest and there is a little thing called karma which deals with each one of us.  Distance yourself from this situation as soon as possible.  Do not allow someone else's actions to place you at a disadvantage in life.  You have a choice in this situation.  Thoughts of another woman moving in and taking your place should not be what stops you from living a life of freedom.  I hope this was convincing enough for you.

Walk good,



  1. Honestly people lime you are just as guilty as the person committing the crime. I hope the law catches up with the BOTH of you soon! Life style my ass!

  2. It's obvious you are happy with your lifestyle so you have to be more convincing like helping him to be legitimate


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.