Monday, December 8, 2014

He Likes It With a Heavy Dose of Vitamin C!

Dear WISY, 

I am writing to tell you something that you may say is weird but I need to know if this is a common thing.  I have never come across someone that is in love with citrus fruits the way my boyfriend is in love with them!  When we first got close, I noticed he always had an orange or tangerine with him and he said he liked to eat them a lot because it helps to fight germs but one day I saw him talking to and kissing the orange!  I could not believe my eyes!  What kind of man is this?  Is he mad?  I pretended I didn’t see but it happened again and I confronted him.  He told me that he likes the texture of the skin and he likes the smell; it drives him crazy and fills him with all sorts of feelings. You know the feelings I am referring to, I don't need to go into detail, right?   The worst part of all of this is his need to have the oranges, grapefruits, limes, lemons and tangerines in the bedroom.  Sometimes they are in the bed and he likes when they touch his skin!  What is this?  This is crazy and I believe he needs medical attention.  What kind of thing is this?  Is this a normal thing?

No More Citrus

WISY's Response:

Dear No More Citrus,

I am kind of at a loss for words.  While I'm aware that fetishes are a common thing that often go unspoken, I have never heard of a citrus fetish and I have never heard of a person talking to their object of desire.  Perhaps you should read up on some strange fetish literature and gain some insight.  :-)

Walk good,


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.