Sunday, November 30, 2014

My Sister Could Not Break Me!

Dear WISY,

I would like to get some feelings off my chest.  I am now 21 and I want to tell my sister that I am standing stronger and taller than ever before despite her trying to ruin my life.  As a child she tortured me, she lied on me and she was verbally abusive.  She told me I was ugly and too black.  I believed her because people always told her how pretty she was and she was light like my mother.  I spent many years hating myself and thinking I was not good enough.  It took me getting involved with my boyfriend to really start to like myself.  When he complimented me, I never believed him.  I gave him a hard time at first but I know now that he truly loves me and thinks I'm beautiful.  He is helping me to heal from the years of damage my hateful sister put me through.  I would like her to know that I am great.  I don't have a husband that beats me and I am developing a career of my own.  I will not sit at home and depend on a man to mind me (she does).

Hello, my sister! I am better than ever and you could not defeat me!

Healing Sister

WISY's Response:

Dear Healing Sister,

I am glad to hear that your sister's actions did not defeat you.  Have you expressed your feelings to your sister?  Speaking with her about how she has affected you will help you heal.  I'm also glad to hear that your boyfriend has helped you find the strength to begin valuing yourself but you must also find the strength within yourself or else you may always feel the need to get validation from others.  I suggest you begin with speaking to your sister and letting her know how she's damaged you.  This will help you regain control of you and your image of yourself.

Walk Good,



  1. YOUR SISTER IS A BITCH ! 4 get her and move it forward w your lofe.

  2. good news about you becoming an individual with self esteem. sometimes family can be our worst enemy trust me i know. its ok you are getting better. dont stop believing in yourself.

  3. You were probably always jealous of your sister and now you are trying to paint her in a bad light. There are two sides to a story. I feel like you left out alot of information because I can't see how your sister would continually torture you. I think you were just jealous of the attention she got for her looks. Stop lying and stop being jealous of people who are blessed with beauty.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.