Monday, March 19, 2018

He Has Too Many Female Friends

Dear WISY,

I have been with my boyfriend for two weeks.  I noticed he has more female friends than male friends.  I asked him why and he told me he was raised around women so he gets along with them better than men.  I still have a feeling that he has female friends that are more than friends.  He told me sometimes he spends the night at a female's house and nothing happens.  He told me there might be a time when he has to do that and I shouldn't be mad because he was probably passed out drunk.  I'm not cool with any of that, but I want to give the relationship a chance. It's only been two weeks.  What should I do?

Too Many Females

WISY's Advice:

Dear TMF,

Your new boyfriend is immature and isn't ready to be in a serious relationship.  There's nothing wrong with having friends of the opposite sex, however, there are certain behaviors that should stop when a person enters into a committed relationship.  Spending the night at another woman's house in a vulnerable state is one of them.  

Your relationship is barely off the ground and you're having issues already.  Your boyfriend's response to your issues was along the lines of you getting used to his female friend shenanigans.  If you're not cool with it, walk away before you invest too much more time in a situation that I don't think will change much.

Walk good,

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