Monday, October 23, 2017

I Need More

Dear WISY,

I don't want you to think I'm a greedy person, but the way I'm going to describe this may come off that way.

I've been married for eight years. I have three children and my husband has performed well enough at his job that I don't have to work anymore.  I've been at home now for six months, and it's been okay but I need more.

I feel more stressed at home than I did when I was working.  I'm expected to look sexy, clean, cook, and be joyful all the time.  Another thing is my husband; I love him but I need more from him too. I want to do so much more (sexually) with him but he gives me the bare minimum.

I need more but I don't want to sound ungrateful. What can I do?

Bored Housewife

WISY's Response:

Dear Bored,

Get a hobby, join a club, and get out when you can in order to break the monotony.  

Have you communicated with your husband about your need for more than the bare minimum? Maybe you can plan a little getaway or buy something exciting to wear that will give him the extra "umph" to take it up a notch.  However, be reasonable, your husband probably works very hard in order to give you the luxury of not working.

It's okay to communicate your needs.  It's also okay to find activities which will fulfill you outside of the home.  I'm positive that finding your niche will alleviate your stress and diminish your boredom.

Walk good,

1 comment:

  1. Nice response TeamWISY. I honestly think that communication is the issue here. Some persons expect their partner to "just know" what they are thinking, and what they need/desire, which is unfair to the entire union. On the flip side of that, sometimes when we do communicate what we want, it is taken in a negative light. I don't think she should be too hard on him though, and I definitely would hope that her "boredom" doesn't cause her to stray! I also hope too, that he isn't straying under the impression of "work".



What are your thoughts on this? Please share.