Monday, July 24, 2017

We Cheat On Each Other

Dear WISY,

I am writing to you for advice.  I've read a lot of letters on here and I think I already know what your response will be but I figured I would ask anyway.  My situation is a little bit different anyway.

I just got married to my husband in January and we are already having problems.  Before we got married, we had a lot of issues with infidelity on both parts.  He cheated and I was cheating too.  What was I supposed to do while he was out with someone else?  We both confessed to each other and decided that once we got married, the cheating should stop.  I stopped but I don't think he did.  I am honestly tempted to cheat on him as well.

I can't tell the last time I've had some good sex from my husband.  My mind keeps wandering to the guy I used to sleep with.  The only problem is, I was rude to the guy and he probably won't want to talk to me anymore.  So, I'm thinking I might as well find someone new.

Outside of the sex, my husband and I don't really have a good relationship.  He spends all his money on women and I am left to pay the bills.  He doesn't help me clean or cook or anything like that.  He just stays away and does what he wants with other people.

So, I'm asking if you think a divorce is a good idea or should I try to stay and stick it out?  The only reason why I'm asking is because of how we were when we first started dating.  We were inseparable and so in love.  Maybe it will come back.  What do you think?


WISY's Response:

Dear Cheating,

Your relationship before marriage will most likely be your relationship after marriage.  You both had faults that needed professional attention before tying the knot.  

Your marriage is obviously suffering.  If you want to salvage it, speak with your husband and tell him you know what's going on.  If you feel the need to cheat, maybe you guys need to separate to figure things out.  You both may begin to see other people and not have the desire to return to each other.  You could also begin marriage counseling to figure out where the break down exists in your relationship.  Whatever you decide, you'll need to be honest about what you truly want.  Once you determine that, you'll know if you should head to Splitsville or back down Lover's Lane.

Walk good,


  1. Ma'am WHY did you marry him? WHY are you not trying to be a better wife and woman? WHY are you even writing this nonsense??? Ppl like you and him are the reason divorce rates are so high, marrying when yuh aint got no business marrying. Yall don't have a good relationship but you married anyway? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?? No, yall should stay married to each other and not muddy up the already contaminated dating pool any further.

    1. Ouch!!!! Someone sounds very bitter.

  2. People really think a piece of paper will magically change things. You both need help. You probably don't each other either. Am I right? Yes I am.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.