Monday, November 7, 2016

My Man is a Gigolo

Dear WISY,

I have a serious problem and I need your help with this one.  I'm used to figuring out my own drama but this one is above what I can handle.  I don't even know where to start but here goes...

Me and my man have a kind of scamming thing going on.  Usually, he goes and seeks out rich women or the ones that look like they can take care of him and he tells them I am his cousin and I pretend that I'm sick or struggling or something that will make them feel sorry for me.  They always give him money to give me and I just fling it in a bank account and save it up.  He does what he needs to do.  All I ask is that he protects himself always.

I have my good job with good benefits but that extra money keeps me and him looking fresh, keeps the bills paid on time and we have a nice car in the garage.  We're living good off of these lonely women.  Some of them have their husband but they're whores and want extra attention and my man delivers it well!  It's a win-win situation!  Everybody is happy!

Well, now I have a little problem.  My man has been seeing this new woman.  When he showed me her picture, I was hesitant to let him pursue her because she is young and beautiful!  But I said to myself that I was being paranoid and I should remember the bigger picture.  Anyway, she has lots of money.  He said she just got divorced from a rich man and she has everything.  He was taking a while to bring in the first load of money and I asked him about it.  He said she's a little smarter than the rest so it will take a little more time for him to get her to trust him.  I wanted to tell him to forget it and leave her alone but again, I remembered what I had to gain.

Last week my heart dropped into my stomach when he didn't come home.  He called me to say he wasn't coming home to me and that he didn't like what I was making him do.  He said he had enough of me and my scamming.  I cursed him and told him to stop being ungrateful and to bring his ass home immediately.  He hung up and told me "R.I.P because you're dead to me".  I was shocked.  I'm still shocked.  From since that day, I haven't heard from him.  I knew I shouldn't have let him go after her, my gut was telling me that this wouldn't be a good situation and now look.  I miss him so bad.  I want him back and he won't even answer my calls or reply to my texts.  This woman took my man from me because she is the whole package but he needs to remember where he is coming from and if it wasn't for me, he would have never met her!

How can I get my man back?  I just want him back, he won't have to scam anymore.  Please help!


WISY's Response:

Dear Madam,

I'm trying not to laugh at you, I really am.  With a straight face, I have one word for you:  KARMA.  In case you didn't get the memo, life has a way of giving us exactly what we deserve.  There you were going about your life, happily pimping out your man to naive women, never stopped long enough to allow your conscience to take precedence and gather an inkling of guilt.  Well, here you are.  Now you know how it must feel to those women who were deceived, used, and discarded.

Honestly, I hope he comes back to you. He doesn't deserve to benefit from something he entered into under false pretense.  Hopefully you can track his phone and go tell this woman who he is and what you all are about.  Then you can have him back and encourage him to find a real job so you can live well off of an honest day's work like the majority of us.

Walk good,

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  1. Lady.... you're so wrong in every way its not even funny. You need to let him go and start all over. YOU don't really miss him you missed the extra money so that you can look fly. You should be a shamed at yourself and what you and your so callan was doing.

  2. Good for you! Go get your trifling man so you can be trifling together.

  3. WOWWWWWWW WTF! I hope he never come back to you and hope he fall in love with the beautiful young woman and live happily ever after eating cavia and all the luxury things. I hope you see them out and it make your heart BURN. DWL!

  4. You can find another guy to work for you am available if you want to bring me to the states


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