Monday, September 26, 2016

We Fake Our Relationship for 'Likes'

Dear WISY,

Confession is good for the soul so here I go!  I have been pretending that my relationship with my man is perfect and people believe me.  I shouldn't just say I am because my boyfriend does the same thing too.  We have everyone on social media fooled and I'm getting tired of pretending.  We don't get along at all, we only have sex when we're drunk and we don't go anywhere together.  It's all a lie for Facebook and Instagram.  I don't cook for him, I don't wash his clothes, I don't do anything for him and he does nothing for me.  We're basically roommates.  In the morning I throw up a love quote and a picture of him and at night, I tag him in a song.  The comments that come when I do that are what I have started to love.  If I said I was still in love with him I'd be lying.  I care about him but I don't love him.

Don't get me wrong.  At first, we were so in love.  We did everything together and I guess things got boring and we never really spoke about it, we just continued to do things separately.  But everyone is envious of our relationship and I think we both like being admired so we've been keeping up the charade.

I'm ready to move on to a real relationship but how do I explain to everyone that things are over when there was no sign of trouble?  And how do I know that people will still look up to me?  I don't want to let go of the attention we get.  My relationship isn't fulfilling but the attention is.

Attention Whore

WISY's Response:

Dear Attention Whore,

It's blatantly obvious to me that you are trying to fill a void within your life with this false sense of leadership from your followers on social media.  You've created this imaginary world where you crave and thrive off of the attention you receive.  Getting a boost from positive energy is wonderful but you can't achieve true happiness if your boost comes from a false state of being.  You said your followers are being fooled but you are also fooling yourself.

In order to achieve true fulfillment, you either need to work on your current relationship or move on to someone new in order to give you the emotional support you need.  This type of behavior is reflective of some sort of mental instability and there are resources which can help you work through this.  I recommend you get counseling as a couple (if you choose to stay) and see a therapist on your own who can help you pin point where this need for attention is coming from and then you can learn how to go about reaching fulfillment in a healthy way.

Maybe you should take a break from posting on your Facebook & Instagram until you sort yourself out.  Work on being your authentic self and then begin to express that on your pages.  I'm sure you are just as admirable being your true self.

Walk good,



  1. So many ppl do this and then when something bad happens they run and close their account. Social media is a drug to some.

  2. This is so dumb. Why fake something you could easily create in RL???

  3. I agree with the author of the article, people just become addicted to social networks, and the images that they have created for themselves, the worst thing is that they have completely forgotten about the normal life outside social networks. But I do not think that social networks and dating sites is a bad thing, the thing is that people just do not use them correctly. For example, I met my wife at and now we are a happy family.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.