Monday, September 12, 2016

Waiting for Him to Marry Me

Dear WISY,

I have been with my fiance for six years now.  He proposed a year ago and I think it's time for us to begin planning our wedding but he keeps telling me the time isn't right yet.  I asked him if he would rather go to the Court and get married there (thinking maybe lack of money is an issue for him) but still he says the timing isn't right.  I'm confused.  What could he be waiting for?  Why did he ask me to marry him if he's not ready yet?  My family and friends keep asking me what the hold up is and I tell them we're taking our time to make sure everything is perfect.  But I really don't know what the hold up is.  I'm just as curious as them.

Do you think he doesn't want to marry me and just doesn't know how to tell me?


WISY's Response:

Dear Waiting,

Ask him to be more specific.  Express your concerns and have an in depth conversation about the cause of his hesitation.  If you are going to marry this man, it's important that you both understand any issues either of you may have and deal with them together.  From what I can tell, there's a lack of communication between you two and that's something you need to address before walking down the aisle.  I hope he opens up so you can know how to proceed.

Walk Good,


1 comment:

  1. I don't think he really wants to marry you.


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