Monday, October 5, 2015

I Need Him!

Dear WISY,

I really really really like this guy in my class but he has a girlfriend who is all over him, all of the time!  She doesn't give him an inch!  If he goes to the bathroom, she's outside waiting for him.  She pulls her desk next to his in class and all she does is text him throughout class.  I can't even slide in and get a chance.  She makes sure his eyes are always on her.

I don't know why but I can't help how I feel.  It's a really strong attraction I have for him.  I want him so bad and I won't stop until I get him.  I can just feel his lips on my body and I know he knows his way around the bedroom.  Why else would she be stuck to him like that?  I know it's just a matter of time but I can't wait, I want him now!  Please tell me how I can distract him from her and get what I've been craving since school started.

I Need Him

WISY's Response:

Dear I Need Him,

Don't be that girl.  He's in a relationship; you should respect that.  So, calm your hormones and pay attention to your studies and not other people's boyfriends.

Walk good,



  1. I bet u if he was single she would not want him

  2. Lickl girl! U kno what is on the next exam? it's not how to thief people man!


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.