Monday, February 2, 2015

100+ Men and Still Not Satisfied

Dear WISY,

I'm a very experienced woman and I don't have any problem sleeping with who I want when I want.  The problem is, nine times out of ten, I am not satisfied by these men so I move from man to man looking for satisfaction.  I'm not ashamed of myself at all.  The problem is not me, it's the men who don't have the first clue as to how women need to be loved in order to climax.

Lately, I have been seeing a guy who is just too handsome to describe in words.  The sight of his body is all I need to get me going but the same problem occurs with him as well; he has no idea how to satisfy me.  It makes me wonder how many women go through life unsatisfied by men.  I've slept with at least 100 men and only a handful have satisfied me, so that means women aren't speaking out about being dissatisfied but, I digress.  I really want things to go far with this new guy.  I need some ideas as to what I can do to get him to hit it right!


WISY's Response:

Dear Experienced,

suggest you simply talk to your new guy about your likes and dislikes.  You may need to just coach and guide him through your encounters so he learns how to get you to the finish line.  I don't know why you didn't do this sooner instead of sleeping with 100+ men in efforts to find satisfaction.

Walk good,


  1. she didn't just coach them because she's a slut.

  2. Omgeee girl! How old r u? R u aware of all the risks associated with your behaviour? Please be careful with your health.

  3. These guys were looking for a quick nut. Guys normally care about the girl's satisfaction unless they care about the girl first. Take the time to allow him to like you, then he will be open to your coaching.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.