Monday, November 24, 2014

To the Kids: Don't Choose the Wrong Path!

Dear WISY,

When I was 11 years old my parents moved to a big city.  We moved from a small town and it took us a day and a half to get to where we live now.  I was very excited at first but when we got there and settled in, I realized that this city was a dangerous place.  My first day of school was hell!  I was tortured the entire day and my teachers saw what was going on and did nothing about it.  I was terrified and begged my parents to take me back to where we came from but they said I would adjust.

After a week or so of bullying, I was approached by one of my teachers who suggested I join a gang in order to fit in.  At first I didn't know what he meant by "gang".  I assumed it was a group of kids that got together after school to support each other and carry out academic activities.  I was wrong.  My own teacher, Mr. V****** suggested that I become a part of a criminal organization.  I couldn't understand why until he explained that he was a gang member also and felt like the gang understood his needs when his family didn't. 

Eventually, I got tired of the bruises and the hateful words and I asked my teacher about joining the gang.  He was very happy to hear I was finally interested and he asked me to meet him in the gym after school for a five minute talk.  On my way to the gym, I was pushed and slapped by other kids and all I could think of was how much I couldn't wait to get some relief from this situation.  I walked in the gym and my teacher was there with a kid in a higher grade who asked for my home phone number and address and said he would call me later that night.  He said he would have his little sister call me so my parents wouldn't become suspicious of anything.

Fast forward to now.  I was arrested at the age of 17.  I am now 18.  I am an active member in the gang and have done a lot of things my parents would disagree with.  I now have a one year old and recently found out I am pregnant again.  I don't know who the father of this child is and my first baby's father is incarcerated.  My life has taken a turn for the worst and all because my parents thought a city life would bring more advancement opportunity to their children.

I just want to tell the kids out there who feel alone that there is another path to happiness other than gang life.  I regret not informing my parents of everything.  I should have told them that my teacher introduced me to the gang in the first place and I should have told them how bad I was being bullied at school.  I urge the kids out there to speak up even if you think you'll look stupid for doing so.  It's not worth it, trust me.

I don't know who writes this blog and I was told it was just for the Caribbean but I hope you will post this letter anyway.  Hopefully, this will help anyone out there who feels alone.  Please, just find a different way to be happy.  Join the Boys and Girls Club or the YMCA.  Do something other than get yourself caught up in gang life!  It hurts worse than the bullying at school.

One Love!


WISY's Response:

Dear Regretful,

First of all, I would like to thank you for writing to us.  It takes a lot of bravery to do so and no, this blog is not just meant for Caribbean people.  We receive letters from all over the world.  

My heart breaks to hear that you felt you had no other choice but to choose gang life in order to have peace on a daily basis.  I am outraged by the fact that your teacher is the one who introduced you to this lifestyle which has placed you at a disadvantage in life.

You are still young.  You still have the world of opportunity available to you.  I can tell that your mindset is beginning to follow the course of redemption and I encourage you to make a serious effort to reverse all your wrongs and make them rights.  I'm not sure what city you're in but there are resources available to young women with children in almost every major city.  I'm not sure of your education level but there are resources to help you attain higher levels of education.  Utilize every resource that is available to you.  Research your options and know your rights.  Make a difference for yourself and your children by elevating yourself and escaping gang life for good.

Be mindful that your first steps should be ones to ensure the safety of you and your family.  Be very careful with the information you share about your plans.

Walk good,

P.S.  If you need assistance obtaining information about resources available to you, let us know.  We are more than happy to help.


  1. Wow ! This is so very sad. I will pray for you my dear.

  2. my heart goes out to this young lady. i hope you can find ways to remove yourself from the gang without being hurt. warn your loved ones so they can be on alert you are in my prayers.


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