Monday, November 24, 2014

Texts From His Ex!

Dear WISY,

I just made it official with my new boo and everything has been wonderful so far.  My only complaint is that his ex sends him text messages on a daily basis.  In the morning, his first text is from her and before she goes to sleep she has to text him good night.  I told him I hate that this is going on and he tells me it's no big deal.  I pointed out that if it wasn't such a big deal then he should have no problem telling her to stop.  He refuses to tell her that and said that he is friends with her and nothing else and her silly messages shouldn't have me feeling insecure.  

I don't know if I should be feeling this way but to me, exes have no place in your current situation.  If he wanted to remain friends with her then he should have stayed single or never broken it off with her in the first place.  My next thought is to confront her myself and tell her to find another man to text "Good Morning" & "Good Night" to.  I feel like I am being disrespected and I won't stand for it.

Am I being insecure or do you agree that I have a right to feel this way?  Let me know, please!

X Out the Ex

WISY's Response:

Dear X Out,

I agree that the constant communication with his ex can be annoying and somewhat disrespectful as well.  It seems she isn't completely over him and still needs some aspect of him in her daily life.  In his defense, men don't always "get it".  A lot of men fail to see what emotional connections with outside people can do to a relationship.  They think that physical contact is the only form of cheating but in reality emotional connection can be just as (if not more) damaging.  Try to explain this to him and see if he understands.

As far as I'm concerned, those "Good Morning" and "Good Night" texts should be coming from you and if he doesn't understand this then I don't think he's fully ready to commit to your relationship.  

Walk Good,


  1. Those two still have feelings for each other. If he doesn't want the text he would tell her to stop but it seems he wants the text.Be careful!

  2. maybe you should be concerned that there is more going on than texting.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.