Monday, October 13, 2014

He No Longer Excites Me

Dear WISY,

Please post my letter.  I have been having an issue with my boyfriend.  The problem is I am not excited to sleep with him anymore.  I used to love doing it with him but now I find excuses not to do it.  I tried to look within to see what may have caused me to change but I honestly don't know.

What do you think I should do about this?

No Longer Excited


Dear NLE,

Look a little deeper.  Something had to have happened to make you change.  Whatever it is, I hope you figure it out soon.  Your boyfriend will begin to notice your change (if he hasn't already) and further issues may arise.  I suggest you talk to him about it and see if you two can figure out how to remedy this situation.

Walk good,



  1. when that happens its to go.

  2. Just like that? I don't understand is he not doing it like before? try some new things or move on.


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.