Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Afraid of IT!

Dear WISY,

This is kind of a funny situation but I hope you and your readers will take it seriously.  Well, I hope someone can identify with me and this situation so I don't feel so isolated.  Ok, here goes!

I am afraid of the male genitalia.  I do not like the way it looks and every time I see one, I start to shake with fear.  It reminds me of a snake and I imagine it biting me!  I am too old for this sort of nonsense but I can't help what I am afraid of.  My boyfriend thinks I'm being immature and he has threatened to leave me if I cannot make love to him.  I really would like to but I am so afraid of that thing.

He suggested I drink alcohol to calm my nerves but I do not smoke, drink or take drugs.  I refuse to alter my state of mind at any point in time.  I'm not sure what other options I have.

Is there anyone else who has this sort of problem.  If there is, what have you done to overcome it?

Afraid of IT! 



  1. Seek counseling, seriously. Something else is going on deep down.

  2. I suggest counseling as well. I can't imagine picturing a snake biting me every time I see a penis. Get some professional help with this one and start enjoying yourself!

    Walk good,

  3. Hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! snake! runnnnnnn!!! hahahahahahahahahaaa!!! shut ya eye and take it!


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.