Monday, March 2, 2020

Does He Like Me?

Dear WISY,

I usually don't write to advice columns but I'm desperate at this point.  So, I've known this guy for almost 2 years now. He recently broke up with his girlfriend (it lasted 1 month).  At first I didn't like him because of how we met.  He sat behind me in class and on the first day he pulled my hair (as a joke) to ask for help on a question.  We eventually grew as friends and have become kind of close. We are always play fighting and joking around with each other, just being goofy in general.  Recently I realized I liked him as more than a friend.  I have not told anyone, and I keep thinking about him.  I'm not sure why but I just cant tell if he likes me.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

WISY's Response:

Dear Me,

A man will usually let you know if he's interested or not.  If he doesn't come out and say it, his actions will tell you.  It's possible that he feels the same way that you do, but he may not want to ruin the friendship or may be shy.  However, I think that if he truly has fallen in love with you then he will not be able to hide his feelings any longer.  It's a man's nature to pursue what he wants, so let nature take its course.

BUT, if you find that your need to know is overwhelming then go ahead and ask him how he feels.  It is a beautiful thing when a friendship evolves to romance, so I do hope that you both are on the same page and you create something beautiful together.

Walk good,

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