Thursday, June 12, 2014

IG Stalkers!

Dear WISY,

Recently, I checked my IG and noticed that a girl who openly hates me 'liked' one of my photos.  She doesn't follow me and she doesn't speak to me when she sees me.  I've only heard from people that she doesn't like me.  She doesn't know me either but I don't give a f*&k either way.  My IG is open for all to see but my question is, if you don't like me, why are you on my IG profile?  And I know you didn't like my pic to let me know you stopped by. You accidentally liked my pic and didn't notice!  

If I go questioning her about it, they will say I'm starting drama but I would really like to know what it is she was looking for since she openly hates my guts.  If you hate me, why are you looking at my stuff?

Should I say something or should I let it slide?

Stay Off My IG!


  1. Dear Stay Off,
    If your profile is open, you shouldn’t be concerned about who visits your page.  From your reaction, it seems you are not open “for all to see” as you stated.  I would suggest making your page private.  By keeping an open profile you will get visits from any Tom, Dick, Harry and the obvious people who do not like you.
    Questioning her about it is unnecessary.  Who knows, maybe she did genuinely  like your photo.  Ever think of that?

    Walk Good,
    #Team WISY

  2. mi did a pree yuh ig! suh what?


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.