Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Dear WISY, 

How are you and your readers doing?  I have a problem and I want some advice, please.  I am with a guy who isn't up to par as far as size matters.  When we are together I make noise and act as if I'm feeling something but I don't feel a thing most times.  He thinks I am enjoying myself to the max but I am so dissatisfied. I love him and we have been through all sorts of sh*t but I can't help but think about other men and how I can be properly satisfied in bed. 

Should I tell him how I'm feeling or should I just deal with it?

Thank you very much.




  1. Dear Dissatisfied,

    That's a very touchy subject and you will probably bruise his ego a great deal but I believe honesty is the best policy, so let him know. Be sure to choose your words wisely.

    A tip for you: kegels.

    Walk good,

  2. My girl yuh no how fi mek di p*&sy quint ??? DWFL yuh no bout kegel ??? hahahahahahahahaha !!! Ah swear mi a DWFL WISY how yuh no shi need fi kegel suppose is a small hood fi real ?


What are your thoughts on this? Please share.